Qualifying Exams
According to the provisions of Laws 3404/2005 (no. 15-Government Gazette 260 / 17-10-05 vol. AD) and 4186/2013 (no. 57-Government Gazette 193 / 17-9-2013 vol. AD), as amended by Law 4218/2013 (art. 6, par. 10 - Government Gazette 268 / 10-12-2013 vol. AD) and the Ministerial Decision No. Φ1 / 192329 / Β3 / 13-12-2013 (Government Gazette 3185 / 16-12-2013 vol. B ') the following are announced:
1. Number of entrants from qualifying exams
The total percentage of rankings amounts to 12% of the admissions number of the Department academic year 2021-2022.
2. Right to participate in the qualifying exams
Graduates of all departments of AEI, TEI. or equivalent to them, ASPETE, of Greece or abroad (recognized by the DOATAP), as well as the graduates of higher schools with equal or more than two years of study cycle under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and other Ministries.
3. Classification process
The candidates’ selection for graduation is done exclusively with qualifying exams in the following three courses:
a) Discrete Mathematics, b) Introduction to Programming with C, C ++ and c) Digital Design.
4. The material of the courses in which the candidates will be examined is shown in the attached file (available in Greek).
5. Submission of applications
The submission of applications and supporting documents will take place between 1-15 November 2021 at the Secretariat of the Computer Science Department (tel. (+30) 2510-462341, (+30) 2510-462147). Those interested must submit the following documents to the Department Secretariat:
1. Application of the candidate
2. Copy of degree or certificate of studies completion. For foreign graduates, a certificate of equivalence of their degree is submitted by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (DOATAP) or by the body that has the authority to recognize the degree.
6. Examinations
The exams will take place between 1 and 20 December 2021. The exam schedule will be announced at least 10 days before the exams.
All of the above are subject to the condition that there will be no new legislation.
Course material for ranking candidates (In Greek).
Application (In Greek)