Student Transfers

The student transfers are made based from the article 21 of 4332/2015 Law, according to which the transfer beneficiaries can submit a relevant application to the central service of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs for the respective Departments up to two different universities.

According to the Ministerial Decision 158978 / Ζ1 / 2016, Government Gazette 3153 / Β / 30-9-2016 Article 4, after the expiration of the deadline for submission of applications and their processing, a nominal table is drawn up for each Department of transfer applicants.

The Minister of Education and Religious Affairs approves the table, subject to the control of the supporting documents, which the successful candidates have submitted in their application.

The above decision of approval of the beneficiaries table is forwarded to the secretariats of the Departments, while the transferees are informed through the electronic system and are invited to submit to the secretariats of the Departments the supporting documents that they had undertaken to submit with their application.

The secretariats of the Departments inform the candidate as soon as possible if s/he is accepted for registration in the Department, in order to take all the necessary actions in time for his/her removal from the Origin Department and the completion of his/her registration in the Reception Department.