Mission and Vision

The Department of Informatics belongs to the School of Sciences of the Democritus University of Thrace. It was created in 2019 by the Law 4610 (Government Gazette 70A / 7-5-2019) after the merger of four institutions in Northern Greece.

The Department runs an undergraduate program that focuses on the fields of Informatics and Computing. The offered undergraduate program includes a significant number of contemporary courses. Several of them, are compulsory and elective courses of the 6th, 7th, and 8th academic semester, among which students can make selections according to their personal interests.


The Department also provides Pedagogical and Educational Adequacy to all its graduates.

Furthermore, the Department offers a postgraduate Master Program entitled "Advanced Information and Computer Technologies", as well as one entitled "Immersion Technologies-Innovation in Education, Training and Game Design" (since academic year 2020-2021).

The aim of the Department is to ensure high quality education for students on the fields of Informatics and Computing through teaching and research. The goal is to have graduates who will be well-trained to ensure their scientific and professional development and career and to creatively contribute to development and research projects of the new digital era. Graduates of the Department can be employed in both the private and public sector, either autonomously or in collaboration with other professionals and scientists, in all areas of design, development, and exploitation of Information Systems and Computers.


In the context of achieving these goals, the Department of Informatics:


-         Develops in its students the skills that will make them competitive in national and international level.

-         Follows worldwide developments in the scientific and educational fields and prepares/adapts to the changing educational, economic, and social conditions in national and international level.

-         Conducts basic and applied research.

-         Produces a significant number of original publications in reputable international scientific journals and conferences.

-         Has four institutional research laboratories that cover all areas of Informatics and Computing.

-         Has undertaken a significant number of funded research and development projects both from the European Union and Greek agencies, while many of them are in progress.

-         Builds collaborations with higher education institutions in the country and abroad.

-         Collaborates with agencies, companies, organizations, and the industry, both locally and widely, for research and development purposes.

To achieve these goals, the department possesses significant training and research equipment; fully equipped lab spaces for teaching and research on computing and computer-related topics, electronics, embedded systems, and robotics.