PhD Program

The Department of Informatics of the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) has started from the academic year 2020-2021 and onwards a Doctoral Program in scientific fields related to those covered by the Department, based on the program’s operating regulations (Government Gazette B ' 3457 / 19-08-2020).

The PhD Studies at the Department of Informatics of the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) aim at the promotion of knowledge through the production of original scientific research, they lead to the awarding of a Doctoral Degree, and they are offered free of charge (no tuitions).

The minimum duration of the PhD Studies for earning the Doctoral Degree is three (3) full calendar years, since the date of appointment of the Three-Member Advisory Committee.

Eligibility for Application Submission

Those who fulfil the following criteria are eligible to apply for PhD Studies at the Department of Informatics:

(1) They are University graduates (University or Technological Education Institute) of the home country or from an institution abroad recognized as equal. The grade of the degree should be greater than or equal to six and a half (6.5) on a scale of 0-10. Exceptionally, the Department of Informatics may allow a lower than the above grade, upon reasoned documentation of the Department.

(2) They are holders of a University Postgraduate Diploma of the home country, or from an institution abroad recognized as equal, or they are holders of an integrated Master’s degree according to article 46 of Law 4485/2017. The grade of the postgraduate diploma should be:

a. For studies in Greece, greater than or equal to "8.0" (eight).

b. For studies in the UK greater than or equal to "55%".

c. For studies in the USA higher than or equal to "B".

d. For studies in other countries, higher or equal to the "B" of the USA system.

Exceptionally, candidates can be accepted as PhD students even if they do not hold a Master's Degree or they do hold a Master's Degree with a grade lower than the above required limits, when they are found to have authoring or research activity in a relevant field and specifically at least one (1) publication on the subject area of the doctoral thesis, in a recognized international peer-reviewed journal or one (1) announcement in an international peer-reviewed scientific conference or one (1) patent. PhD candidates of this category must successfully attend and be examined in at least two (2) undergraduate and / or postgraduate courses of the Department of Informatics, which are defined by the Three-Member Evaluation Committee and approved by the Assembly of the Department.

(3) The undergraduate degree and / or the postgraduate diploma should be relevant to the field covered by the Department of Informatics.

(4) Have good knowledge of English at a level of at least B2.

Application Form - Supporting Documents

The candidate submits, by the dates provided at the announcement of topics, a relevant application to the Secretariat of the Department. The application shall state the respective subject are, the proposed PhD title, the proposed language used for the Doctoral Thesis, which may be Greek or English, as well as the person proposed as the supervisor of the Doctoral Thesis.

The application is accompanied by the following supporting documents:

(1) Detailed Curriculum Vitae.

(2) Photocopy of police ID or passport.

(3) Copy of degree or diploma of integrated Master’s and transcript.

(4) Copy of Postgraduate Diploma and transcript.

(5) Certificates of equivalence from the Hellenic National Recognition and Information Center, for those degrees that have been awarded from Universities abroad.

(6) Certificate of good knowledge of English.

Certified knowledge of the English language by official bodies, as it results from the possession of one of the following certificates: (a) Greek Degree in English Language Level at least B2 level or other equivalent, such as e.g. Lower Cambridge or Michigan, etc., (b) IELTS, with a minimum grade of 6 obtained in the calendar year up to four years prior to the publication of the notice, (c) TOEFL, with a minimum grade of 180 obtained in the calendar year up to four years before the publication of the announcement and (d) a degree from an English-speaking University or a degree in English Literature, (e) English language proficiency granted by the foreign language center of IHU.

(7) At least two (2) letters of recommendation, preferably from University faculty members or researchers of Research Centers, whose information (name, title, address and telephone number) should be indicated in the candidate’s application. Letters should be submitted in sealed envelopes.

(8) Summary of the postgraduate dissertation.

(9) Copies of scientific publications and certificates of participation in research projects, certificates of relevant professional experience, etc. (if any).

(10) Positive recommendation of a faculty member of the Department of Informatics of the School of Science of DUTH.

(11) Research Proposal (as described below). The candidate is obliged to submit together with the application and the other supporting documents a Research Proposal which should include the following:

a. Title, Subject Area / Field, Keywords.

b. Brief description of the proposed topic review of the recent relevant literature.

c. Contribution to science and research originality of the proposed thesis.

d. Main purpose, goal, and initial research questions of the proposed doctoral thesis.

e. Proposed Research Methodology.

f. Relevance or synergy of the proposed topic with the announced scientific subject.

g. Bibliographic references which should appear in the proposal.

PhD related files (available in Greek)