Career Prospects

The newly established Department of Informatics of the Democritus University of Thrace based in Kavala - Greece, which according to a ministerial decision (Government Gazette 2656B / 1-7-2019) is equivalent to the Informatics departments of Greek universities, has a strong base in the IT market and succeeds the departments of Industrial Informatics and Computer Engineering. Our graduates in the last 20 years have staffed important IT companies in Greece and abroad, as well as various public services and educational institutions in the country.

Although the labor market has its own rules of self-regulation based on the graduates’ individual knowledge and skills, the professional certification of the Department’s graduates is sufficiently described in Articles 2 and 3 of Presidential Decree No. 44 (Government Gazette number 58, April 8 2009) as follows:

The University Education graduates of the Department of Informatics, based on the general and specialized scientific knowledge acquired during their studies, have a knowledge background related to hardware and software for the collection, classification, processing and transmission of information and have the ability to engage in activities such as study, design, analysis, implementation, installation, supervision, operation, evaluation, expert valuation and certification in the scientific fields:

a) computer hardware and software,

b) computer science,

c) communication systems and networks, telecommunications services, and internet applications,

d) systems and applications of graphics, signal processing, image processing, and speech processing.

The graduate of the Department of Informatics of DUTH, given that s/he has successfully completed the Courses for Pedagogical and Teaching Adequacy, will obtain a Certificate of Pedagogical and Teaching Adequacy which, together with the basic degree, will allow her/him to participate in the primary and secondary education selection procedures, or, in addition to public education institutions, in any other position where certified teaching qualifications are required.

With the completion of the undergraduate program, the graduates of the Department of Informatics, in accordance with their personal performance, are admitted to postgraduate programs and have excellent career prospects in the private and public sector both in Greece and abroad. They also have the opportunity to work in research - development projects carried out within the Department. The Department encourages connections to the labor market through effective student information activities and internship program.

The carrier prospects are directly related to the graduate’s effort during her/his demanding studies, but also to the opportunities that appear every day in the highly promising field of Informatics and new technologies. In addition, our graduates can work in:

a) teaching in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), secondary education, and technical and vocational training, public and private, at a theoretical, technological, and applied level in the scientific fields of informatics and telecommunications listed above,

b) research in public and private research centers in the scientific fields listed above respectively in theoretical, technological, and applied level,

c) the provision of services to organizational units of IT, networks, computerization and technical services of ministries, public organizations, agencies and companies, electronic communications companies, banking / insurance / medical sector, media, audiovisual production and processing companies, transport / shipping / tourism / business consulting companies, and high-technology companies.