Research Projects

The Institutional Research Laboratories of the Department of Informatics at the School of Applied Sciences of the Democritus University of Thrace have completed or are working on the following research projects.

Travel Grants for Scoping Research Labs Twinning opportunities by DRAGON-STAR European FP7
budget €3,500.002015
Scientific director, for the preparation of the establishment of a Sino-European research laboratory entitled "Logic-Based Methods in Internet-of-Things (IoT) Applications" at SouthWest Jiaotong University in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province in SW China.
2 Department members participated
Institutional HUMAIN-Lab Laboratory (Scientific Director)

Public Key Infrastructure Specification for the Needs of a European OrganizationADACOM S.A.
budget €8,933.002016
Collaboration with ADACOM S.A. for the project needs, aimed at the design and the economic and technical study of the development of a Public Key Infrastructure for the European Organization eu-LISA.
WeSIS (Web Services and Information Security Laboratory)

Special Education Robot Teaching Assistant (EduBot) Stavros Niarchos Foundation
budget €60,000.002016-2018
Supervisor of the work of the scholar Dr. Angelos Amanatiadis
1 Department member participated
Cooperation with the special education company "Praxi" in Kavala.

Cyber Physical Systems for PEdagogical Rehabilitation in Special EDucation (CybSPEED) H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017
budget €1,296,000.002017-2021
Primary Participant Contact. Legal Representative of the Project (PLSIGN). Coordinator of the Work Package WP#2 “Research on Analysis, Modeling and Synthesis of CPSs for Pedagogical Rehabilitation in Education” regarding the content of all 288 person-months-visits (secondments) of the project, where 288*€4,500 = €1,296,000 and €4,500 is the cost of each scholarship-person-month.
13 Department members participated
Cooperation with four European Universities in Spain (2), France and Bulgaria, three European companies in Greece, France and Bulgaria, and three other Universities in Japan, Chile and Morocco. Participation in conferences and exhibitions in different countries to promote our work.
HUMAIN-Lab (Primary Participant Contact)

Increasing the well-being of the population by RObotic and ICT based iNNovative educatIon (RONNI) EU Danube Strategic Project Fund (DSPF)
budget €99,009.002018-2019
Preparation of a three-member consortium from Bulgaria, Greece and Croatia to submit a European proposal for research and development of robotics and information and communication technologies (ICT) applications in order to improve the quality of life of the general population with innovative educational technologies.
7 Department members participated
HUMAIN-Lab Laboratory (Scientific Director)

budget €6,618.932018
Cooperation within the framework of the European project CS-AWARE - A cybersecurity situational awareness and information sharing solution for local public administrations based on advanced big data analysis (Horizon 2020 Framework Programme)
WeSIS (Internet Services and Information Security) Laboratory

Κοινωνικά Ρομπότ ως Εργαλεία στην Ειδική Εκπαίδευση (ΚοιΡο3Ε) - Social Robots as Tools in Special Education (Co3E)ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020
budget €970,078.152018-2021
Action "RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE", Cycle A, Intervention II, Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)", NSRF 2014-2020. Project code T1EDK-00929.
3 Department members and 2 postgraduate students participated participated
Cooperation with the special education company "Praxi" in Kavala, the special education company Child and Parent Center in Thessaloniki, the consulting company EUROACTION in Thessaloniki, and the Papageorgiou General Hospital in Thessaloniki. Participation in conferences and exhibitions in different countries to promote the project.
HUMAIN-Lab (Scientific Leader)

Εξατομικευμένος Βέλτιστος Τρύγος με Αυτόνομο Ρομπότ (ΕΒΤΑΡ) - Personalized Optimum Harvest with Autonomous RobotΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020
budget €997,292.702018-2021
Action "RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE", Cycle A, Intervention II, Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)", NSRF 2014-2020. Project code T1EDK-00300.
4 Department members and 4 postgraduate students participated.
Cooperation with the consulting company EUROACTION in Thessaloniki, the Department of Oenology in Drama and three wine producers (see Lazaridis, Pavlidis and Gerovasiliou - Tsaktsarlis). Participation in conferences and exhibitions in different countries to promote our work.
HUMAIN-Lab (Scientific Leader)

Αλγόριθμος Οπτικής Διαλογής με Μηχανική Όραση (Vi4m) - Optical Sorting Algorithm with Machine Vision (Vi4m)INTERMEK S.A.
budget €20,000.002018-2021
2 faculty members of the Department, 1 external collaborator and 2 postgraduate students participated.
Cooperation with the company INTERMEKS.A. for the project needs with the objective of marble tiles visual sorting.
MLV Research Group (Scientific Director)

Τεχνολογία Επιδέξιας Γεωργίας Αμπελώνων (Τ.Ε.ΓΕ.Α.) - Technology of Vineyards Skilled AgricultureΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020
budget €2,869,470.252020-2023
5 Department members, researchers and postgraduate students participate.
Collaboration with EUROACTION consulting company in Thessaloniki, the Department of Oenology in Drama and three wine producers
HUMAIN-Lab (Scientific Director)

ImTech4Ed –Immersive Technologies for Education Erasmus+
budget €449,750.002020
European Project KA203-799974A4 (KA2-EU) Duration 36M
3 Department members and 3 postgraduate students participate.
Collaboration with the GAME lab of Kolone, and the European University of Cyprus in a European research project on immersion services in Education
AETMA Lab (Partner)

i-PEAR –Inclusive Peer Learning with Augmented Reality Apps Erasmus+
budget €336,536.002020
European Project KA2 -EU, Duration 36M
2 Department members and 3 postgraduate students participated.
Collaboration with E-Learning Koordinatorin für die Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie in a European research project on Augmented Reality services in Education
AETMA Lab (Partner)

SELFIE HElpeR & Pedagogical innovation Assistant (SHERPA)Erasmus+
budget €667,454.002019
European Project (Key Action 3), Duration 24M
3 members of the Department and 5 postgraduate students participated participated
Cooperation with the European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on the issue of strengthening the digital skills of European schools. Under the same project there is a close collaboration with the Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus, the Tallinn University of Estonia, the University of Jyvaskyla Finland, and the National Research Council, Institute for Ed. Tech. Italy
AETMA Lab (Consortium Coordinator)

SmartROOT Smart faRming innOvatiOn Training Erasmus+
budget €374,763.002020-2023
European Project Erasmus KA2-GR, Duration 36M
2 Department members and 4 postgraduate students participated.
Cooperation with University of Western Macedonia (UOWM) [Greece], AGRIVI DOO ZA PROIZVODNJU, TRGOVINU I USLUGE (AGRI) [Croatia], Sidroco Holdings (SID) [Cyprus], Spanish Food and Drink Industry Federation (FIAB) [Spain], INFALIA PRIVATE COMPANY (INF) [Greece], Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences [Sweden]
AETMA Lab (Consortium Coordinator)

JAUNTY –Joint undergAduate coUrses for smart eNergy managemenT sYstems Erasmus+
budget €281,135.002020-2023
European Project KA2 -EU, Duration 36M
2 Department members and 4 postgraduate students participated participated
Collaboration with Technical University of Sofia (TUS) [Bulgaria], K3Y (K3Y) [Bulgaria], University of Western Macedonia (UOWM) [Greece], Public Power Corporation (PPC) [Greece], University of Nicosia (UNIC) [Cyprus]
AETMA Lab (Partner)

Cooperation for fusing skills on Cloud-based Open GeoInformatics: Innovative Environmental ManagementErasmus+
budget €388,151.002019-2021
European Project (Key Action 2), Duration 36M
3 Department members and 4 postgraduate students participated participated
Collaboration with UNESCO Con-E-Ect in education, environment actions through European Research Programs and University of Avignon (France) – Coordinator, Maison Régionale de l'Eau (France), Democritus University of Thrace (Greece), Hellenic Forests OE (Greece) , Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (Bulgaria), ECOMED bvba (Belgium).
AETMA Lab (Partner)

Innovative Cultural Experience (ICE)ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020
budget €815,761.162020-2023
Action "RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE", Cycle A, Intervention II, Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)", NSRF 2014-2020.
4 Department members and 4 postgraduate students participated.
Collaboration with the PRISMA company , and the MOCHA Foundation for the development of innovative services for the promotion of cultural heritage.
AETMA-Lab (Scientific Leader)

A.T.P.P Innovation ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020
budget €255,454.042019-2021
Action "RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE", Cycle A, Intervention II, Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)", NSRF 2014-2020.
3 Department members, 3 postgraduate students and 3 undergraduate students participate in the project
Collaboration with the ROYAL Foods company for the development of innovative product promotion services.
AETMA-Lab (Scientific Leader)

budget €230,000.002020-2022
2 Department members and 4 postgraduate students
Collaboration with Collaboration with UNESCO Con-E-Ect in education, environment actions through European Research Programs.
AETMA-Lab (Scientific Leader)

Ταχύρρυθμη επιμόρφωση εκπαιδευτικών στην εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση - Rapid teaches training in distance educationΕΠΕΑΕΚ
budget €1,534,337.952020-2022
The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, in partnership with eight (8) bodies (University of Piraeus, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Western Macedonia, International University of Greece, University of Western Attica, University of Peloponnese, ITYE-Diofantos), proceeded the previous period in actions for the implementation of the action, which concerns the rapid training of all teachers (permanent and substitute) of Primary, Secondary Education and Special Education.
The purpose of the action is to exploit the achievements of distance education and to further cultivate the knowledge and digital skills of teachers in pedagogical and didactic approaches, with the support of modern digital media, used in conditions of technologically enriched life education, as well as in distance learning.

Augmented Reality for teaching Educational Robotics and more (eRobson)eROBSON ERASMUS KA2
budget €300,000.002021-2022
"Augmented Reality for teaching Educational Robotics" under the ERASMUS+ KA2 program funded by ERASMUS EU.

INCIDENCE - promotINg Cyber-hygIene in eDucation through sEcuring distaNCe lEarning Erasmus+
budget €236,767.002021-2023
European Project Erasmus+ KA2, Duration 24M
3 Department members and postgraduate students participate in teh program.
Collaboration with Stockholm University (SU) [Sweden], University of Western Macedonia (UOWM) [Greece], MASSIVE DATA DYNAMIC (MASSIVE) [Sweden], Sidroco Holdings (SID) [Cyprus]
AETMA Lab (Partner)

ELECTRON - rEsilient and seLf-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid Horizon 2020
budget €10,207,562.502021-2024
European Project H2020-SU-DS-2020
4 Department members and 4 postgraduate students participated.
Collaboration with 32 partners from 13 countries coordinated by INTRASOFT INTERNATIONAL
WeSIS Lab (Partner) in collaboration with AETMA Lab

Marble Crack Visual Detection Algorithm (Vi4MC)INTERMEK S.A.
budget €50,000.002020-2023
MLV Research Group (Scientific Director)